Saturday, November 21, 2009

Quilting, Sewing Show

I went to the show the last 2 days and saw lots of cool quilts and even bra's. A local woman does Bra Parties to fit you proper and has a couple things  to suck you inand hold everything. I want to have a party!!!! Anyone want to come??
I saw NO Texture Magic at the show , how SAD. So I asked everyone, they sort'a knew what it was, had not seen yet. So I gave out info and an order sheet with my name on it. One vendor gave me a piece of fabric to texturize and give back to her. I will do that today. I gave a pkg to Elinor Peace Bailey to play with. Hope she like it.


  1. Oh, I can just imagine Elinor Peace Bailey and Texture Magic™, her imagination is amazing.

    I can't believe there wasn't any Texture Magic™ at the show, this is the greatest invention since quilt shops!

  2. I know. It too bad I didnt get it set to Demo at this show.
